January 12, 2022


Janelle Hazen began her career in a retail pharmacy. After more than five years in retail, she desired change. “I wanted to find a role that utilized my clinical knowledge, 一家符合我个人和职业价值观的公司,” Hazen explains.

哈森在求职过程中偶然发现了Landmark,并立即对该公司的价值观留下了深刻印象. 2015年,她成为Landmark的第一位药剂师,开始每周工作一天. “刚开始的时候,我在零售药房工作的休息日在Landmark工作. Landmark为复杂的老年人所做的一切让我感到非常感动, I wanted to be a part of it,” she says.

Janelle Hazen
Janelle Hazen

Career growth

当一个全职职位出现时,Hazen很高兴地接受了这个角色. She worked as a clinical pharmacist in Albany, NY, and expanded her role to cover New York City and Buffalo, NY. Landmark聘请了一位药房高级主管,他后来成为哈森的导师. “她帮助我了解了企业的各个方面,比如管理和财务. 最重要的是,她教会了我为团队发声的重要性。.

Hazen已经多次晋升,目前是该公司的高级制药总监. As Landmark has expanded, so has the pharmacy team. The team has more than 30 employees, including clinical pharmacists, pharmacy techs and an inventory control manager, spanning across 18 states.

今年,Janelle完成了她长期以来的目标,成为老年药房的董事会认证. “I’m really proud of this certification. 它增加了我对患者群体的了解,使我能够更好地支持我们的护理团队,” she says.

Benefits of pharmacy support

When considering in-home medical care, one may wonder, “病人如何从药剂师在家看病中受益?” Through in-home visits, 药剂师可以看到药物是如何储存的,以及是否正确服用. 他们可以识别出过期的或患者不应该服用的非处方药.

Hazen explains, “家庭护理的好处之一是,你与病人在一起的时间比在零售环境中更多. 花时间和他们坐在厨房的餐桌旁, you can build trust and create understanding. 病人了解为什么他们被开的药物和药物依从性的重要性.”

Medication adherence, 按照医疗保健专业人员的处方服用药物, is a priority for Hazen and the pharmacy team. “我们的大多数病人都在服用15到20种药物,”哈森说. “The medications have long and unfamiliar names, 记住何时以及如何服用这些药物可能是一项挑战.”

随着药物数量的增加,药物依从性降低. 由于费用或副作用,患者可能会选择不服用药物. Landmark药房团队的目标是使药物治疗方案尽可能简单. 他们可以开出副作用更少的替代药物,并找到降低成本的方法.

Medication adherence in practice

药房团队最近成功地治疗了一位72岁的女性患者. The patient has multiple chronic conditions, uncontrolled Type-2 Diabetes and high blood sugar levels. 一位里程碑式的药剂师发现,由于费用和对副作用的恐惧,这位病人停止服用大部分药物.

药剂师解释了她的处方在使她免于住院方面所起的重要作用. 病人明白了这件事的重要性,同意服药. 药剂师每周与患者进行检查,以提供鼓励和提醒.

这些频繁的检查在病人和她的Landmark药剂师之间建立了信任. 三个月后,患者的血糖水平和2型糖尿病得到了控制.

Support of a well-rounded care team

具有里程碑意义的药剂师是包括医生在内的更广泛的护理团队的一部分, advanced practice providers, nurses, dietitians, social workers and behavioral health specialists. Care team members work together to create care plans, discuss patient concerns, and provide the best care possible.

“We act as a consultant for the care team. 我们共同努力,让病人在家保持现金足球网哪个好,”詹妮尔说. A Landmark ambassador, 最近,一名营养师和一名药剂师合作,为一名2型糖尿病患者提供护理. 该患者参加了Landmark的药剂师领导的糖尿病管理项目,以降低他的血糖水平.

Landmark大使教病人如何正确地检测血糖水平. 营养师和病人一起确定现金足球网哪个好的碳水化合物,减少饱和脂肪. 药剂师简化了用药方案,将血糖检测从每天两次减少到每天一次. The team’s collaboration led to weight-loss, 降低血糖水平,让病人安心.

Full circle moment

从她作为Landmark的第一位药剂师开始,到领导一个超过30名员工的团队, Hazen is amazed at the growth over the last five years. “Leading the pharmacy team means a lot to me. As a leader, 我想倡导对团队最好的东西,并保持我们积极的文化,” Hazen reflects.

考虑到她会给那些对新工作感兴趣的药剂师们一些建议, she says, “Don’t sell yourself short. 确保你选择的公司与你的个人和职业价值观相匹配——这就是我每天在Landmark工作的快乐所在.”